Sunday, May 8, 2011

U2 Can Be An Environmental Criminal

Even though his about face is more symbolic than substantive, I have to say I was very disappointed that Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy chair Joe Edmiston has gone from opposing a five home development put together by U2 guitarist and environmental criminal The Edge, to one of neutrality. My oh my, what a donation of $750,000 and a few trail easements can do to a man's integrity!
In the past I've wondered about the possibility of a Santa Monica Mountains National Park that would include all of the local, state, conservancy, and federal lands within a to be determined border touching Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, to Point Magu State Park in Ventura County. And while it would very likely be impossible, and quite frankly not desirable, to include the actual beach community of Malibu, and the long established community of Fernwood in Topanga Canyon, it would be possible to stop the ever increasing march of development in the ecologically unique mountain range, by the slow, incremental acquisition of private land beyond the coast and the 101 corridor, including The Edge's ridge top monstrosity. A no vote by the California Coastal Commission on The Edge's development would be a good start.
And while I'm on the subject of things that will probably never happen, Tejon Ranch National Park, an idea whose time has come.

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